Please use the below form if you need to submit an incident that has occurred at sanctioned Niagara Interlock Baseball game/event.
We recommend that incident reports come directly from Coaches/Umpires/Association Executives, however there are times when a spectator is required/needs to submit this form.
Please note that Niagara Interlock Baseball may, but is not obligated, to contact you for more information. Further Niagara Interlock Baseball is under no requirement to report back to you on the result of any investigation, proceedings or dealings with this or any other incidents and will only update the member associations involved and the membership of Niagara Interlock Baseball.
Please also note that this incident report form does not substitute or serve as a medical incident report for insurance purposes nor does it serve as any form of police report for egregious incidents.
Niagara Interlock Baseball incidents are generally dealt with by its Discipline & Appeal policy as well as its Rules.